Office of the President

February 7, 2014

                              P R E S S    R E L E A S E # 2

Dear friends and colleagues, Sisters and Brothers in the Ethnic Press and Media:

Please be informed that as we entered in the New Year 2014 according to our constitution and the laws of Ontario every member has to renew his/her annual membership which is set at $ 50 dollars, in order to retain his /her membership in good standing. To this extend please mail your chq of this amount to our offices.

After the very successful evening with the mayor of Toronto, now I received a request from the office of Mr. Norm Kelly, Deputy Mayor of Toronto and acting Mayor for a Round table discussion on Monday February 24, at 6:30 pm at the Toronto City Hall, Committee room N# 3. Also, please allow me to remind you that the nominations process for our Awards for 2014 is open, since January 01 and is closing on May 31, 2014. If you wish to nominate someone from your community please submit your application in time.

I am looking forward to welcome you all on our monthly meeting on Monday February the 10th, at 6:00 pm.

Thomas S. Saras